- Patch współpracuje z dlc 2.0, ks 10.1 oraz exe 1.03
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510111415.th.jpg]](http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/7934/pes20112011012510111415.th.jpg)
- Ligi: BPL, Ligue 1, Serie A, Ekstraklasa, La Liga, Bundesliga, 1 liga Unibet,Rest Of World
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510121821.th.jpg]](http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7655/pes20112011012510121821.th.jpg)
- Poprawione Transfery
- Poprawione Formacje oraz statystyki z PSD dla najlepszych drużyn
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510140670.th.jpg]](http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/9758/pes20112011012510140670.th.jpg)
- Dodano brakujące drużyny UCL i LE oraz drużynę Gwiazd Footbolu
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510123576.th.jpg]](http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1797/pes20112011012510123576.th.jpg)
- Nazwiska pisane “Sernas”
- Nazwy klubów pisane “Lech Poznań”
- Nowe stroje dla 96 % drużyn w grze brak dla niektórych w 1unibet
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510165793.th.jpg]](http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/906/pes20112011012510165793.th.jpg)
- Logosy wykonane przez teco
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510150643.th.jpg]](http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4172/pes20112011012510150643.th.jpg)
- Nowe emblematy dla lig i pucharów
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510181335.th.jpg]](http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7326/pes20112011012510181335.th.jpg)
- Sporo nowych twarzy a w tym(200 dla ekstraklasy i około 100 dla innych klubów)
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510195476.th.jpg]](http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8309/pes20112011012510195476.th.jpg)
- Nowe stadiony: Alianz Arena, Anfield Road, City of Manchester Stadium, Stamford Bridge, White Hart Line
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510211285.th.jpg]](http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/3488/pes20112011012510211285.th.jpg)
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510212142.th.jpg]](http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/8549/pes20112011012510212142.th.jpg)
- Polskie fake stadiony dla drużyn ekstraklasy wykonane w peseditor
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510210128.th.jpg]](http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/8960/pes20112011012510210128.th.jpg)
- Nowy bootpack zawierający 60 par najnowszych modeli butów
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510244873.th.jpg]](http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/4808/pes20112011012510244873.th.jpg)
- Nowy ballpack zawierający 30 piłek z których 6 jest do odblokowania
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510173045.th.jpg]](http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7682/pes20112011012510173045.th.jpg)
- Nowa ścieżka dzwiękowa zmieniono 40 utworów
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510275160.th.jpg]](http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/2554/pes20112011012510275160.th.jpg)
- Wysokiej jakości murawy na wszystkich stadionach
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510215545.th.jpg]](http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/9838/pes20112011012510215545.th.jpg)
- Nowe murawy dla edytowanych stadionów
- Realny Stadium prieview dla wszystkich stadionów
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510205898.th.jpg]](http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/7070/pes20112011012510205898.th.jpg)
- Prawdziwe intra dla wszystkich stadionów
- Next Generation Mod Selector (scoreboards, podoga, siatki, obramowanie, ikony menu, koszulk i sędziów)
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: beztytuu2dkx.th.jpg]](http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/623/beztytuu2dkx.th.jpg)
- Muzyczka po golu dla najlepszych w Europie
- Przyśpiewki dla : Ekstraklasy, Polski, Barcy i ManUtd
- Hymn fify przed wejściem na stadion
- Nowe menusy 30 tapet do wyboru
- Nowe Bandy w tym ekstraklasy
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510263996.th.jpg]](http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9991/pes20112011012510263996.th.jpg)
- Osobne exe :
- Nowe hymny narodowe
- Nowe tunele
![Demon Patch 2011 Next Generation Mod 2011 [Image: pes20112011012510224625.th.jpg]](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/8009/pes20112011012510224625.th.jpg)
- Chorągiewki i wiele innych mniejszych dodatków o których zapomniałem
Podziękowania dla:
English :
- Patch works with 2.0 DLC, kitserver 10.1 and 1.03 exe
- League: BPL, Ligue 1, Serie A, Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, a league Unibet, Rest Of World
- Corrected Transfers
- Corrected formations and statistics of the PSD for the best teams
- Added missing UCL and LE team and All-Star team Footbolu
- The names spelled “Sernas”
- Names Clubs spelled “Lech Poznań”
- New clothing for 96% of teams in the game, not for certain in 1unibet
- Logos made by teco
- New emblems for the leagues and cups
- Lots of new faces in the (200 for the league and about 100 other clubs)
- New stadiums: Alianz Arena, Anfield Road, City of Manchester Stadium,
Stamford Bridge, White Hart Line
- Polish fake stadiums for the teams in the league made peseditor
- New bootpack containing 60 pairs of shoes latest models
- New ballpack containing 30 balls of which 6 are to unlock
- New sound changed 40 tracks
- High-quality turf in all stadiums
- New turf for the edited stadiums
- Real prieview Stadium for all stadiums
- Real intros for all stadiums
- Next Generation Mod Selector (Scoreboards, podoga, grids, borders, icons, menus, shirt, and judges)
- A player after a goal for the best in Europe
- Chants for Ekstraklasa, Polish, Barca and ManUtd
- FIFA anthem before entering the stadium
- New 30 wallpaper the menus to choose from
- New Bandy in this league
- Separate exe:
- A new national anthems
- New tunnels
- Pennants and many other smaller ones I forgot
Thanks to: